Hits: 52847

This GNSS/GPS receiver module kit is mostly SMD (pre-assembled), and includes a high sensitivity active antenna with 2m coax and SMA connectors. It has three onboard LEDs for visual status indication, 3.3V regulator and power supply filtering, and 5V logic level conversion. It's easy to build and directly compatible with all QRP Labs kits.

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Update April 2022: The QLG2-SE was a temporary replacement for QLG2 during the global semiconductor shortage. However we managed to get new supplies of the microcontroller, so the QLG2 is now back!

The highly popular QLG1 GPS module had to be retired in February 2021 due to supply problems, and was replaced by the QLG2, backwardly compatible with QLqlg1G1 but including multi-satellite constellation support, active patch antenna on 2m coax, and many additional functions. As of June 2021, due to the global semiconductor shortage it is no longer possible to source the required components to produce QLG2. Therefore until the semiconductor situation improves, will will produce QLG2-SE. It retains the same E108 GPS module (multi satellite system support) and active patch and 2m coax. However the additional functions provided by the microcontroller are absent, since the microcontroller itself, is absent. 

QLG2-SE stands for: QRP Labs GNSS module Mk2, Special Edition



Assembly manual (version 1.00, 30-Jul-2021)
Manual for the E108-GN01 GNSS receiver module
Manual for the GK9501 chip command set (Chinese language; GK9501 is the chipset used in the E108-GN01 module)
Detailed manual for the E108-series, includes GK9501 chip command set (English language version; thanks Glendon KG5WXU!)