Hits: 17582


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Photos of the launch
Transmitter photos

Like the former flights, this one also uses a special U3S firmware version.


U3S-8 apparently has a mis-connected antenna so radiated power is extremely low, perhaps 1/10th mW. However, on 25-Apr-2017 there were several reports of U3S-8 travelling over Arizona at 9,680m altitude, 30 knots groundspeed heading South East. The reports came from two stations NO1D and WA7LNW. 

On 26-Apr-2017 at 15:48, 15:02 and 15:04 three reports came in from K9AN, putting U3S-8 at 9,580m altitude above subsquare EN61NK in Indiana.

In the map below, the red lines show actual spots over Arizona and Indian; the blue connecting line is an interpolation based on the NOAA wind projection:


Live tracking

Photos of the launch


Transmitter photos

The TX is a miniature lightweight replica of an Ultimate3S system. No temp/battery on this flight will be used, just altitude and the usual JT9. 20/30m bands used for both JT9/WSPR as usual. This flight uses the telemetry WSPR method developed by QRP Labs, using callsign N2NXZ and telemetry on channel 5. The payload is Jim's record low, at 19 grams.

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