Hits: 11316


Live tracking
Day 5 update: 05-Jun-2020
Day 1 update: 01-Jun-2020
Launch photos

This is the 10'th test flight of the new U4B tracker. For details see below.

The WSPR callsign on 20m is VA3UAL and telemetry uses the old-style channel 43. The WSPR transmission is on minute :04 past the hour and every 10 minutes; it is followed by the telemetry transmission. The balloon glyph precedes the WSPR transmission in minute :03 :13 :23 etc. 

U4B-10 was launched on 01-Jun-2020. 

Live tracking

Day 5 update: 05-Jun-2020

data.png noaa.png

Day 1 update: 01-Jun-2020

Successful launch and ascended to around 11,600m!

The balloon glyph was copied by Bill W4HBK:

2020-06-01.png data.png noaa.png

Launch photos

IMG_20200601_092700431.jpg IMG_20200601_092705972.jpg IMG_20200601_092738389.jpg


This is the 10th test flight of the new U4B tracker. U4B-10 was assembled by Dave VE3KCL. This YouTube video explains the features of the U4B tracker. 

U4B-10 includes a balloon glyph just prior to the WSPR transmission. This is the same as on previous flights, There is a slow-Hellshreiber "X" to the left of the balloon!

The BASIC program listing:

5 LET C = 44
7 IF BT < 3200    * check for 3.2v or sleep
8 SLEEP 10 1
9 GOTO 6
18 IF BT > 3600   * look for 3.6v for high power mode else low power mode
19 LET I = 1
21 GOTO 26
24 LET I = 0
26 LET FR = 26999800        * set reference oscillator for epson tcxo
27 OUT 9 0
28 GPS 304 "$PSIMNAV,W,3*3A"       * sim28 high altitude string
29 OUT 9 CL
32 SLEEP 10 3
33 OUT 9 0
41 CW 0 14096950 12 0 " VA3UAL"
42 CW 0 14096920 5 0 "*010A3755370A*"    *set glyphs lower on qrss 20m band
43 CW 0 14096920 5 0 "*01IFLCNAP8Q7R6R5S0S0S5R6R7Q8PANCLFI*"
47 HELL 0 14096920 20 8 "QRP"           * compare x to slow hell for qrss penetration
48 CW 0 10140040 5 0 "*010A3755370A*"     *30m glyph ident
49 CW 0 10140040 5 0 "*01IFLCNAP8Q7R6R5SOSOS5R6R7QPANCLFI*"
50 GOTO 15

VA3UAL  14097165   362 bytes compiled   firmware v.33
ch44 start minute 04 tele 06
6 solar cells only so set the high power level lower at 3.6v
Normal lowest flight voltage should be 3.42 volts with 6 solar cells

10assembly.jpg 10bottom.jpg 10bottomdetail.jpg

10top.jpg 10wrapped.jpg IMG_20200531_192614_2.jpg

IMG_20200531_192641_8.jpg IMG_20200531_192752_5.jpg U4B10.jpg