Hits: 23794

Maxwell W3LLA wrote in about his modification to the QCX transceiver to allow it to operate as a full time transmit beacon and receiver on WSPR, so that he could watch band conditions using equipment he made. Maxwell is a thirteen year old 7th grader from Ft. Collins, Colorado and his Mom got him the QCX kit for Christmas (2018). He has been a Ham for a year or so. He made a change to the design which bypasses the CW Filter, and he is now able to receive in WSPR.

CLICK HERE for W3LLA's project notes about this modification

Maxwell writes: "I really love your kits, I ordered another QCX for 40m to add to my 20m."

Maxwell's website: 

Maxwell Moran (W3LLA)'s YouTube video about this modification

Please click here for the video