Flight: Apollo

Callsign: VE7NFR

Channel: 118

Launched June 21, 2024 from Maple Ridge, BC, Canada (CN89) @ 11:32am Pacific Daylight Time / 1832 UTC. Payload weight: 18.6 grams Total lift / free lift: 24.3 grams / 5.7 grams Balloon: 32” Orbs, pretstretched to 102” circumference for three days (this determines pressure at float) (https://balloons.online/ca/orbs-32-silver/). Silver not removed. Kapton tape added to top seam, reinforced payload attach point, glued + taped fill valve. Target float: 13000m +/- , which we have achieved! Tracker: Traquito (uses Pi-Zero) Power: 2 powerfilm solar panels, max 6VDC, shunt regulated to 4.9V max to protect the 3F supercaps used to buffer/store. Gas: Hydrogen Other: Glue - Loctite for extreme cold (rated to -40C); Kapton tape; inline swivel to address propellor behaviour (which happened at launch to be sure); Kastking 15 lb fishing line. Coffee: yes, one cup each before launch.