Hits: 17379


Live tracking
Photos of the launch
Transmitter photos

This is the first test flight of the QRP Labs U3B development. See prototype photos of the original prototype; note that for development purposes the test flight model (see photographs below) is a larger PCB, which is easier to modify and work with, until the circuit is finalised. 

The U3B-1 flight was launched by Dave VE3KCL on 16-Jun-2017 from a boat on Parry Sound, north of Toronto, Canada. The WSPR callsign is "G0UPL" and telemetry is on Channel 2. 

The flight ascended to over 10,000m but at that point the GPS stopped reporting. This is a similar problem to that which affected a different GPS module on some earlier VE3KCL flights. For the next flight, we will be able to issue a command to the GPS to cause it to enter "balloon mode" which will work above 10km. Nevertheless this flight is a useful test of other parts of the system. 

Live tracking

Photos of the launch

U3B-1 was launched by Dave VE3KCL from a boat in Parry Sound, Canada. Significant wind complicated the launch and the 30m leg of the antenna was not properly deployed. 

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg

Transmitter photos

U3B1topview.jpg U3B_weight.jpg u3b1_weight.jpg
