

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/qrp-labs/public_html/images/ultimate3builder/ve3kcl/u3b17/day13


There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/ultimate3builder/ve3kcl/u3b17/day13
Hits: 20296


Live tracking
Day 14 update: 13-May-2018
Day 12 update: 11-May-2018
Day 11 update: 10-May-2018
Day 10 update: 09-May-2018
Day 9 update: 08-May-2018
Photos of the launch
Transmitter photos

U3B-17 uses callsign VE3OCL and telemetry channel 03. The map below will show live tracking, but there is no tracking available after dark and when the battery has discharged. 

U3B-17 was launched on 30-Apr-2018 2300Z

Live tracking

Day 14 update: 13-May-2018

U3B-17 is back in Canada again...


Day 12 update: 11-May-2018

A miracle occurred, U3B17 appears to have dried out before hitting the deck, and is up there again at 11,200m!

May11drama.png noaa.png

Day 11 update: 10-May-2018

From Dave VE3KCL:

Looks like -17 went down in Mongolia...

It is a puzzle altitude started dipping before sunset..

It woke up in the middle of the night as the battery got above freezing at 5000m or so transmitted again around 3700 meters at which point it was decending at 390m/10 minute frame. In the decent it was heard again at 3180 meters, and at that time temp was 6 degrees in the box and it had slowed to 200m/10 minute frame... there was a chance since it was slowing. It might have recovered as this is an icing model of decent slowing as the weight is shed, but it was hours before sunrise at about 1800z.... but there were no high clouds in area according to the wx, so icing is a puzzle.
At this point it was last spotted in Japan at
2018-05-10 22:56 VE3OCL 10.140238 -27 -1 ON63 0.01 JA5NVN PM74ec 2120 112

It is probably on the ground transmitting. WX shows cloudy clearing to sunny later in the day in Mongolia.. we may hear from it again...

Day 10 update: 09-May-2018


Day 9 update: 08-May-2018


Day 8 update: 07-May-2018


Day 7 update: 06-May-2018


Day 5 update: 04-May-2018


Day 4 update: 03-May-2018


Day 3 update: 02-May-2018


Day 2 update: 01-May-2018

NOAA Projection shows a nice question-mark shape!


Photos of the launch

balloonrelease.jpg bottomballoon.jpg liftoff1.jpg

liftoff2.jpg liftoff3.jpg overthebeach.jpg

Transmitter photos

17weightandbalance.jpg IMG_20180430_152757.jpg IMG_20180430_152806.jpg

IMG_20180430_152908.jpg IMG_20180430_153022.jpg