Hits: 21436


Live tracking
Day 31 update: 05-Aug-2018
Day 27 update: 01-Aug-2018
Day 23 update: 29-Jul-2018
Day 20 update: 26-Jul-2018
Day 16 update: 22-Jul-2018
Day 13 update: 19-Jul-2018
Day 9 update: 15-Jul-2018
Day 3 update: 09-Jul-2018
Day 1 update: 07-Jul-2018
Launch photos
Transmitter photos

The map below will show live tracking, but there is no tracking available after dark and when the battery has discharged. 

U3B22 uses callsign VE3OCL on telemetry channel 03. U3B22 was launched on 07-Jul-2018 from Toronto Canada.

Live tracking

Day 31 update: 05-Aug-2018


Day 27 update: 01-Aug-2018


Day 23 update: 29-Jul-2018


Day 20 update: 26-Jul-2018


Day 16 update: 22-Jul-2018


Day 13 update: 19-Jul-2018


Day 9 update: 15-Jul-2018


Day 3 update: 09-Jul-2018


Day 1 update: 07-Jul-2018

U3B22 was launched on 07-July-2018 from Toronto Canada. This is the projected flight path across the North Atlantic ocean.


Launch photos

U3B22 was launched on 07-July-2018 from Toronto Canada.


Transmitter photos

U3B22 will have this rig for stretching the balloons with dry air. It appears that moisture compromises the balloon membrane so I modified an old propane regulator to maintain constant pressure and used a modded preserving jar filled with crystal cat litter (silica gel) to dry the air before it inflates the balloon for stretching... After stretching the air is vacuumed out and the balloon is put in a airtight bag with more desiccant to make sure it is as dry as possible before filling with hydrogen.

Dry_air_and_constant_pressure_for_stretching_balloon.jpg bottomview22.jpg plasticwrapped22.jpg

subassembly22.jpg topview22.jpg weightandbalance22.jpg