Hits: 131426

QCX enclosure kit by BaMaTech, Germany

An QCX enclosure is now manufactured and supplied by BaMaTech, Germany - see for more details. 

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QCX in QRP Labs enclosure, by Greg W3NW

A lot of people have asked whether the QRP Labs enclosures can be used for the QCX. My answer has been, not easily - the problem is that the audio gain potentiometer in the QCX is slightly too large to fit in the available space to the left of the LCD module. Greg W2NW has shown how to resolve this problem, by using a smaller potentiometer. He also replaced the supplied rotary encoder with an optical rotary encoder type, which required no circuit or firmware modifications. I like the method of mounting the PCB in the top half of the enclosure, which keeps the LCD wires as short as possible. Greg writes:

"QRP Labs enclosure works very well for QCX even allowing enough space for an optic encoder.
PCB is mounted on the top shell of the enclosure.
Right and left internal PCB holding ridges on the bottom shell filed down slightly in the front to accommodate optic encoder and the volume pot as shown.
Mouser part numbers:
5K audio pot - 313-1200F-5K (supplied one is a bit big)
optic encoder - 62A01-01-050S
My QCX gives out 3 wts on 20 m, has great sensitivity, very low noise level and excellent unwanted side band suppression.
I changed audio filter for 480Hz as per directions on 4stateQRP web site with no issues."

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QCX-40 by Ed WA4MZS

40m QCX enclosure by Ed WA4MZS

Ed says: "Wired the cabinet for either AC operation or for DC with an external battery, selectable by a switch on the rear panel." 

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Beautiful small QCX enclosure job by John PD7MAA

John fitted the QCX in this small aluminium extruded enclosure, with the help of some button and shaft extenders. See the full story on John's blog at

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Interesting QCX enclosure by Nigel M0NDE


Nice compact enclosure by Vasil LZ1WF

Plastic enclosure, with 16V 2000mAh battery, and travel paddle.

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Smart custom-made PCB enclosure by Ken WA4MNT

Ken provides detailed construction information in this document (CLICK)


FREE QCX case by Lou VK5EEE

Lou writes: 

"Finally hit on a FREE case that actually comes supplied with the QCX":

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It has SEVERAL advantages:

"I'm quite happy with it, and had been wondering about it for some time. Having now tried it, it is definitely a keeper. And all along we've been thinking the QCX comes without a case!"

QCX 30 in Hammond case by Robin HB9DEF

"I have recently completed my QCX for the 30m Band (Firmware: 1.00). I have mounted the PC board on a copper laminate board (see photo), which is placed inside a Hammond box. The LCD is mounted using plastic nuts and screws (M3) and rubber grommets as spacers. A discarded PC ribbon cable forms the connection to the LCD on the box side. The cable is routed underneath the copper board. All other connections to box sides are screened."

"The back of the Hammond box has on the LHS (as viewed in the photo) a DB9 PC male socket for the GPS antenna. I use a 5m DB9 shielded cable to a small plastic box housing the GPS board and antenna. Placing another DB9 socket on the GPS plastic box was a bit of a fiddle. Next to this socket is the power socket.  On its right is a fuse holder. Then a stereo jack socket for the paddle key. This is followed by a binding post for earth connection. On the right is a BNC socket. The RX gain control is on the left of the front panel and the rotary encoder on the right of the LCD. The encoder is mounted on a piece of Vero board to hold the shielded cable end."


3-D printed QCX enclosure by David EA7HYD

"Box made with a small self-built 3D printer. I am very happy with my QCX kit. In the tests of the first day, transmitting with a yagui of 3 elements, OM gave me a distance of 7,500 km (4,350 miles) I did not believe it !! I worked with 13 volts, which gave me a power of 3.6 watts. I hope to get the same results in the field with a wire antenna (HI HI)."

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3-D printed QCX enclosure by Dave G8XUL

"My QCX in 3D printed case. The objective was to case the QCX with all controls mounted on the board and without shaft extensions. The box has room for a LIPO battery and has a connector for my GPS."

The design files are available on thingiverse: 

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3-D printed G8XUL case by Colin N5GG

This is Colin's print of Dave G8XUL's case design (see above). 

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QCX-40 #943 in the 4 State QRP group's Little Blue Box, by Jim W0EB


"Well, this enclosure for your QCX is doable, but definitely not for the faint of heart or for someone without at least a drill press (I have a small milling machine, even better) and a decent set of drill bits and files. Extreme care must be taken in making sure everything fits without interference."

"I ran into several cases where I had to rethink my original plan and remove something until I had another plug in place (power jack vs one of the ribbon cables for the display). Close, but it worked. The one thing you will have to do is mount the supplied volume control somewhere other than the front panel. I happened to have a miniature 5K volume control WITH on/off switch and a matching knob to fit the 1/8" diameter shaft. The push button switches are the microswitch type and just barely fit but they did work. I had to mount them a bit higher than I wanted to in order to clear the QCX PC board with the terminals on the switches. I also left the key and earphone jacks intact on the QCX board, drilling access holes in the two side panels to keep from having to run more wires over things on the board. The only place to install them otherwise would be on the back panel and that would put them close to the RF output. This way, I seem to have lucked out and now everything is shielded and I have a very clean sidetone during transmit and the RX audio is outstanding!"

"It was a three day project but it's done now and it works very well. One advantage of having it in an enclosure made of double sided PC board, once the lid is on, NO MORE RF OVERLOAD during transmit. Very clean receive audio, no clicks or pops even with the ribbon cable to the display running right over the top of everything as you can see in the pictures."

"I have ordered a 20 meter QCX and when I finally get it, I plan on putting it in the next size larger (Red) 4SQRP box (I do have one on hand) as that one will give plenty of room for everything and even space for a battery pack."

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Beautiful QCX-40 acrylic enclosure by Shig JA1XRQ

Shig has done a beautiful job on his QCX-40 enclosure. He also documented it thoroughly in this PDF document, and on his website

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20m QCX in eBay enclosure by Paul M0PNN

"Finished my 20m QCX apart from labelling the controls. First qso was with UR5LEH followed by IV3ZJJ all working fine as far as I can tell all fun apart from winding T1. I did think the audio was low until I heard a loud cw signal Wow that will teach me to have the volume up so far. The case I used is from ebay UK search for "ST643 5.8" DIY Metal Electronic Project Enclosure Box" though it does come from China. I had to fill the holes for the box feet because they were too close to the board holes. I drilled the holes for the board and used them for the plastic feet as well."

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40m QCX in aluminium case, by Nick VK4PLN

"Here is the inside of the case, see the speaker and its amp board, borrowed 5v from the gps socket for it, It came from a Dell Optiplex. It is wired into the switched phone jack so turns off when headphone are plugged in. I did try running it without the amp but has to turn the gain ot so high that the amps started clipping...
I am very happy with the result. The LCD is a good 11mm higher off the main board, I used a set of Arduino Stackable header pins to extend the LCD pins, Lifted it the perfect hight. The LCD is mounted to the lid, 4mm hex nuts are "JB welded" (metal epoxy) to the cover, and lcd fastend to this...
Also using a switched pot for GAIN knob and power on/off..."

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QCX-30 by G4GIR

"The enclosure is an RS Pt No 411-6632 TS1 sloping front panel, 58 mm rear height and 35 mm front height.
Have added facilities to select the test options from the front panel and fitted a 3A variable voltage regulator to adjust the power output.
Also fitted the VU2ESE AGC design in series with C21. The AGC is a very useful addition.
I have a small milling machine to machine the enclosure and the engraving was carried out courtesey of my brother (cost me a few beers).
It’s working very well with best QRB VK3AXF @ 16897km."


QCX-30 by Martin G0PJO

"The box is a Hammond 1590BB (119 x 94 x 34mm) that I bought here:"


QCX in fleamarket case, by Earl 4Z4TJ

"I mounted the board in a case I picked up at a fleamarket and have been enjoying listening to the QCX this weekend. (some kind of Italian CW contest this weekend...) I am really impressed with the receiver performance. One issue I have noticed is that when a very strong station (i.e. S9+++) comes on frequency I have to tear the earphones off.:


QCX-40 by Georges F6DFZ

"I used a commercial low cost enclosure to house the QCX :
The enclosure doesn't need any modification.
About the QCX, the 7805 regulator must be soldered 3 mm lower than the display.
The power supply terminal can be conserved, but you need to solder it with the connexions toward the display.
The gain and encoder axes were extended.
2 push buttons are added to control menus.
A DC socket, micro fuse and switch are added.
Finally a key from QRP Guys was fitted on the enclosure.

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Serial number 881 in Heathkit-style case by Barry NF1O

"Thanks for a great Kit. I finished build yesterday and had first QSO wit K1DW this AM
Here are pics for builders page. I found the Heathkit looking chassis a few years ago and it finaly found a use."

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40m QCX by Malcolm EI8FH

"While waiting for my 40m QCX transceiver I followed all the emails in this group and learned a great deal.
Got my QCX built and aligned without any problems ,thanks to the superb instruction manual.
I had some cheap rotary encoders in my junk box so I took one apart and removed the O ring to give
smooth VFO tuning as I do not like click step VFO tuning. Added a simple LM567 tone decoding circuit to help with zero beating the received signal .
Only problem I had was when I did not notice high SWR due to a bad antenna connection resulting in high SWR.
It was too late when I saw and got the smell of smoke from my QCX !!
I had to replace final transistors Q1,Q2,Q3, as well as Q4 and Q6, thankfully the QCX is now working 100%.
Have it in an aluminium box 120mm x95mm x57mm to match my SW-80 and external VFO for my HW-9.
Thank you to all who posted about their experiences with the QCX, it certainly helped me a lot."


40m QCX by Boris 9A2GA

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QCX-20 in Eurocard case by Matthias DD7NT

"Finished my QCX #1002 today and made the first QSO with Peter DL6DSA. The only problem to fix was L5 (cut off during soldering?). Adjustement went fine. I used a standard EURO case 160 x 100mm. This allowed to add a second PCB with a stepup converter. Gives a stable voltage of 14,8V so I have a bit over 5W with input until 10,8V (PB accumulator for /P operation). Does not make any unwanted noise when screened. For the display and the processor I made 2 separate 5V supplies. There is also some place for further enhancements. Will add SWR measurement and display via the 3 LEDs at the front. An AGC would be also nice.
Many thanks to Hans for this wonderfull toy."

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QCX-40 by Tony EI5EM

"40m QCX in case which I purchased from Farnell and engineered to fit."


QCX in special case by Michael DG8YP

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QCX-40 by Mick M0GWD

"No issues at all with the build thanks to the excellent instructions - the QCX works fine with 4.5W Output at 13.8V and 3W at 12V.

I have not needed to carry out any modifications other than bend flat the LCD tab above L2.

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QCX-20 by Fabrizio IZ0HCC

"I changed the flat pin connector with more longer."

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QCX-40 by Leo PA1LDB

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QCX-40 by KE0GYC

"I've finally got my QCX up and running 100% after replacing a few components I broke in assembly. Thanks to Hans for such an awesome little kit to learn CW on! I've got it in a little Hammond box, and I've wired up a MicroUSB connector to the 4 GPS pins - I've got the QLG-1 in a separate enclosure wired up to a regular USB connector so I can use a common scroungeable USB phone charging cable to connect the two, and I've got Anderson Powerpoles for the power connector. All together, I'm pretty pleased with how compact it is! If I could do it over, I would get a slightly larger box though. It was really cramped getting all the connectors in, and I actually had to trim the corners of the board in a few places to get it to fit around the posts the screws mount into. Attached is a picture of the completed setup (Yes, the battery is overkill and larger than the radio itself, but it was a 6Ah battery for $35 on Amazon, so I couldn't resist. Construction is definitely a little rough with undue reliance on hot glue to hold connectors in place, but that's par for the course with me - I am slowly improving though, and my next kit should be a 30M QCX in a bit larger box and (hopefully) better build quality!"

"The Hammond case was the 1591GSBK on Amazon. It was a bit too short to comfortably mount the controls off-board, and as I mentioned, the pillars for the screws impinged on the corners of the PCB, but after some trimming I made it work."


QCX-40 by Rick JI1HSV

"I did heat sink the PA FETs. I used a small square heatsink that is usually used on a cpu chip and fastened it to the bottom of the case with an L bracket and then made a 'shroud' out of 0.2mm copper sheet to hold the transistors in place. The 5V regulator is heat sinked also.

"The front panel was done like the rig I'm building laminated photo paper and punched for the holes.

"You will also notice an extra button on the front. The perf board can be seen on the side of the case in the photos and the attached schematic show my pulse 'extender' / double pulse circuits. I think the double pulse length is a bit long but I didn't know what your sampling rate was. You may also notice I had to use relays as I hadn't seen that you had a 10K resistor to ground!"

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QCX-20 by Antonio EA4LE/KC2HAX

I am happy to report on another QCX (#2332) up and running, mine is for the 20 m band and hence didn’t have the chance to test it on the air yet as by the time I arrive home in the evening during weekdays the band is already “closed”. The only exception being the folks in the digi modes around 14.076 MHz, thanks to them I know the receiver is working well :)

I really enjoyed the construction and the smart foolproof alignment procedure. Thanks again Hans!

I measured the output power with my scope and a 50 Ohm load. Using a 13.8 V power supply the output amplitude is 45 Vp-p, so 5 W as per the specs :) I also tested it with a freshly charged lead-acid battery (12.7 V) and at this voltage level power output is 40.6 Vp-p, about 4 W.

I used the 17m capacitor values in the LPF in case I want to try it in the 17m band. With this filter second-harmonic attenuation for 14MHz is 35dB. As max power is 5W (see below) this makes the rig compliant with regulators requirements (30dB attenuation up to 5W output power)

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Antonio later built a 40m QCX and writes:

"I am attaching pics of my second QCX build, it it is the 40m band version 3 s/n 3136. I cherry picked ideas for the enclosure and layout from other fellow builders in the gallery, used an orange with black background LCD I had in my junk box and added a faceplate mounting bezel to dress the LCD window ;)
The enclosure is the Hammond 1590BB diecast box. The size is perfect for the QCX and makes a very robust portable transceiver."

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QCX-40 by Kim DS1NSG

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Kim later rebuilt the enclosure for his 40m QCX. Kim writes:

"the material is Acrylic, 3mm thick.
the size is 136mm X 89mm X 36mm.
the cover is Transparent.
DC-DC Step Down Module is included."

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40m QCX in Maplin instrument case, by Richard G0ILN

"What a fantastic little radio the 40m QCX is. Mine went together without a hitch. I did find that the main Transformer T1 coil kept springing open whilst trying to place the wires through the holes in the PCB , in the end I resorted to smothering the coil in super glue. That fixed it! Thank goodness I did not have to modify the number of turns or I would have been in trouble. Running from my PSU I am getting about five watts output. I have mounted the LCD module upright using 90 degree header pins it worked out fine except the screen is upside down! So the PCB is mounted on the roof of the Maplin ( Code KC61R) instrument box."

"I fitted binding posts to the board for all the ancillary wiring. The drawing of the transformer T1 winding was a god send to me as the wordy explanation just confused me. Thank you Hans, your QCX is a game changer… Whats next?"

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Now, for something completely different: QCX by Al WD4AHB

"Now, for something completely different....QCX in a 1992 Crayola crayons tin! I'd had this tin for years and recently used it as an enclosure for a U3S kit while awaiting a 'official' QRP Labs case. I decided to see how the QCX would fit in it. I like the idea of having a little room for it to breathe and possibly add some heat sinks to the PA's for WSPR duty. It sort of has an Atwater-Kent feel to it."

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LEGO QCX, by Anthony (UK)

"I extended the buttons by purchasing 19mm 6*6mm push buttons so you can push them from the side for access, they have lego colour codes to match.
The Technics was used for air cooling.
I changed the power system to receive banana power plug inputs.
I used a 3 metre whip and threw some magnetic wire over my house and tied it to the end of the whip, signals received on 20 m!
I bought shaft extenders for the gain knob and rotary encoder and hacksawed 2 6mm diameter aluminium shafts for the two extensions."

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QCX-20 by Rick VE7TK

I built my 20 metre QCX rig in late December. Construction and calibration went smoothly using the excellent manual.
To test the rig I called CQ and had QSOs with New Mexico (2,099 km), Finland (6,866 km) and Ogasawara (8,139 km). Not too shabby for 3 watts! (The antenna is a 3-el SteppIR at 15 metres above ground.)
Next I had to figure out how to house the rig. After reviewing the many possibilities in the Builders' Gallery, I finally decided to use the box described by John (PD7MAA). I found the appropriate box at (Part #1211844). It took about a month to get here BUT it is, in my opinion, a perfect case for the QCX.
I've put together a small write-up with some photos. It's on my website.

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QCX-80 by Peter HB9BAZ

Now i have finished building my QCX-80m transceiver.
All setup and testing was successful first time!
At last, I have built it into a Alu-case, (30x100x160mm) and the box looks very nice!
Thanks again for this nice kit, next I will do some tests on air, and at least I will use it in the Swiss national mountain day contest!

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QCX-20 by Loyal W4LAS

"I used the case first suggested by John, PD7MAA. A connector was added for the GPS module and since I didn't want to lose the straight key I added a small hinge pin in a press-fit bushing to operate the microswitch. I extended the two control shafts by putting straws on them and filling with epoxy. The two button shafts are a couple of connectors left over from assembling an IKEA table. I used the BNC connector that came with the kit because I found putting the right size washer between it and the case solved any mechanical stress problem. Having an Elecraft KXPD2 paddle for my KX2 transceiver, I made provisions to be able to attach it to the QCX also. I added two transistor switch circuits to put the full rail voltage across the paddle contacts because they weren't being reliably picked up by the microprocessor.
So here's the sad story. When I first connected the GPS module I really didn't understand the admonition not to connect it if you're not in Beacon mode. I was in CW mode and the QCX started going nuts and unfortunately at the time I had the supply at 15 volts. Within a few seconds it was drawing two amps and there was smoke emanating from the case. I found that one of the BS170's was cooked and the Q6 MPS2907 was also shorted. I ended up replacing all of the BS170's for good measure and replaced the 2907 with an MPS 751. The nice thing about the aluminum case is it is such a tight fit, I was able to arrange for the flats of the output transistors to press against the side of the case with heat sink compound applied."

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QCX-20 by Thomas OE7ANT


QCX-40 by John WI6P

"I recently completed my QCX 40 project and after torching Q6 and Q2 by plugging in my GPS when in CW mode and with no antenna attached (a common occurrence it seems), I have it working beautifully. I decided to use a regular U2S case with VFO/Sig Gen front and rear panels for the housing, and you can see the results in the photos attached. For the front panel (see photo 1) I mounted the R pushbutton in the upper left existing hole, and the L pushbutton in the lower left ("Select") position. The encoder is mounted in the lower right hole, and I mounted a small 5K log taper pot with power switch (Digi-Key PN CT2215-ND) in the upper right. The LCD display mounts normally, and I used two 6" long six-wire female/female breadboard jumper wire assemblies to connect the LCD to the QCX. For the rear panel, in addition to the existing antenna, power, and GPS/Prog connectors, I added two 1.8" stereo phone jacks, one for the keyer and one for audio. These are located adjacent to the GPS/Prog DB-9 connector, and must be carefully located so that they will clear the sides of the lower and upper case halves. I mounted the QCX board to the rear end panel using only the BNC connector (although I did put the four standoffs in the board to provide support, they are not fastend to the lower case half.). It is located such that the board fits perfectly in the case, however, this means that the rear end panel is installed "upside down" compared to the front panel. There is sufficient clearance to mount the power connector and to use the GPS connector (see photo 2). I use 6" or 8" male/female breadboard jumpers to connect all the remoted switches, encoder and pot. I snip these in half and use the connectors for easy installation and/or removal of components if necessary. You can see this clearly at the lower left of the last photo...look for the red, orange and brown wires connecting to the volume control pot. Also, to fit the upper case half over the volume control/power switch, it was necessary to file down the extrusions on the inside at the front of the right half of the upper case. There may be smaller diameter controls available that would avoid the need for this surgery (none of which is visible from the outside), but this works fine too. Oh, and one final comment: my L5 also broke and I didn't have a replacement available. I took a 1/4W 1M resistor and some left-over toroid wire and wrapped 15 or twenty turns or so around the body of the resistor and soldered it to the works just fine (you can just see it if you zoom in on the last photo)."

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QCX-20 by Steven G4EDG

"I replaced the 12mm spacers under the board with 6mm ones, and increased the height of the LCD by adding 6mm spacers to the existing 12mm ones. I also needed to replace the short 0.1inch connector to the LCD with longer ones.
Thus the total height is still 38mm, ideal for fitting in the box used by PD7MAA....I used the extra space above the PCB to accommodate the encoder and AF gain control in a more pleasing position...the three buttons are left and right as per the standard QCX, the centre one is wired in parallel with the encoder push button...a lot easier to operate.
I changed the blue LCD for a green one, not because I didnt like the blue one, but because the green is a negative type (or is it a positive?) This works really well in bright sunlight when the LCD backlight is switched off, this saves 20mA from a total receive current of 100mA...great for portable work.
All the connectors were salvaged from a scrap PC.
The slide switch next to the BNC socket switches in an 18pf cap across the main winding of T1, changing its resonant frequency from 18 to 14MHz"

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QCX-30 by Toru-san JG1EIQ

"Size is about 4.5 x 3.5 x2.5inch.
CASE was made from single side PCB.
I used Molex 5051 connectors and one DF1B-6DS-2.5RC 2x3 6pin connector from HIROSE for encoder."

Toru-san also supplied a PDF of his drawings, CLICK HERE

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20m QCX by Victor RA1CF

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Cigar box QCX by Dick KK5PJ

"Here is another no cost enclosure.
QCX and accessories all fit
Still a great aroma from an old cigar box as a bonus!
Thanks again for a great design."

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QCX-20 in Ten-Tec enclosure, by Cam N6GA

"I've been saving this Ten-Tec box for several years, waiting for the right project to come along. QCX #2158 was it! Lots of room to maneuver inside the box, and enough front panel space so the controls aren't crowded. Thanks to Ken, WA4MNT for the artwork for the label decals. This 20 M QCX has several CW Ops sprints and some good DX under it's belt. Thanks for a neat little radio!"


QCX-20 by Jean-Denis F5TZA


QCX-20 by Heinz DL4AO





QCX-40 by Mike N6STA

QCX-40 in wooden box from shallow square 5 x 5 x 2.5-inch. 

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QCX-20 Polycarbonate sandwich enclousre by Goran Z35O

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60m QCX by Paul G4CVD

"Just to compliment you on the QCX. I opted for a 60m version certain to become a collectors item! If they ever give Oscars for QRP radios I am sure you will receive one what a wonderful design. Worked first time although I had to tweak the LPF HF to get the full 5W O/P. No problem with your excellent manual.
I thought you would like to add my enclosure solution " Pic attached". It is a standard Eddystone diecast box with a 3mm Perspex top. I see someone else has used a similar approach although I have taken everything off board so the lid can be easily lifted out "the PCB hangs off 20mm spacers" and there is sufficient room underneath for a four pack of 18650 lithium batteries that should give full output for a good while."

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Nice solution to use the microswitch inside an enclosure, by Robert WA2T

"After mulling over an optimal straight key solution that would please me for what seems like a very long time, it occurred to me yesterday that I could relocate the "stock" microswitch to the front panel, much like I did the tuning encoder. Today, I implemented that vision. Threaded the switch mounting holes (formerly not used) to M3 x 0.5, the holes were the perfect size for this and the screws are the SS socket head screws I have used on the rest of the case. Fairly happy with how it came out. When buttoning the case up once again, I forgot to put heat sink compound on the three BS170's which I have positioned in such a way that they will contact the upper half of the case clamshell when installed, I will have to take the top off one more time to do this at some point. At this point, I am putting a fork in it and calling it done ;-) Here are a couple of pictures of the microswitch relocation and mounting."

Note that this microswitch mounting solution may also work in the BaMaTech enclosure

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Portable SOTA QCX-20 station by Luc ON7DQ

Beautiful QCX-20 station, QCX-20 with attached homebrew paddle, demonstrated to me at Friedrichshafen "Ham Radio" hamfest, June 2018. Complete with antenna wire, matching unit and carrying case. 

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QCX with angled LCD bracket, by Wolfgang OE1WBS

At Friedrichshafen "Ham Radio" hamfest, June 2018, I met Wolfgang OE1WBS and he showed me his QCX with 3D-printed angled bracket for the LCD, to put it at a comfortable 45-degree viewing angle. 

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Wolfgang OE1WBS now has his 3D printed bracket files on Thingiverse, and also a design for a button extender, and laser-etching files for an acrylic front and rear panel. See all at 

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6-band QCX by Andreas DM5MU

"Thank you for the wonderful construction and assembly instructions, I am thrilled.
I modified the QCX to 6-band TRX.
Bandpass filter, receiver input transformer T1 and C5/8 are pluggable.
At 40m I heard JA stations , the sensitivity is very good .
Here are pictures of my qcx:"

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Update from Andreas (Dec 2018): working perfectly on all six bands; also shown, AGC circuit of DK3JI.

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Dual-QCX by Andrey R1CF

"I am actively using 20 and 40m QCX for RDA/RAFA activations - see a pic below. I added a 10W driver using RD16HHF1 MOSFET. The case is not perfect, just a “draft”, but I have made 500+ QSOs using it with RM PA + MFJ 1620/1640 antennas. Missing 30m J, maybe will order 80m later and use them together in one case. Sometimes need 20 more QSOs (need 100 from a single RDA/RAFA), and 30m could help – DL are actively working on it…"


Personalized QCX by Reiner DL8LRZ

"Here is my QCX with some personal adjustments (I like small personal adjustments):
Build in battery (15,8V 850mAh LiPO) with BMS
Build in antenna-tuner (i use "random antennas")
Switching Step-down-regulator instead analog regulator (reduces the power consumption at RX noticeably)
Build in touch-paddle, based on ATMEGA 48 (second function - operates as rotary encoder) Overvoltage protection for PA (useful with battery voltage above 15V and missing load by antenna or dummy)
The enclosure is made of PCB material FR4"

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QCX-40 by Keith ZS6TW

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QCX-17 in cardboard case by Mark G6PMN

"I thought I would show you my complete and working QCX for 17m, along with some photos of some homemade cardboard enclosures - having been brought up with Blue Peter, I became bit of a dab hand in making all sorts of stuff with cardboard... oh those glory days before t'internet and mobile phones!
My first version used some foil coated crafting card with a tiled fresnel effect... I went for a fully sloped front and included the cut-out so I could get to the onboard key...
With my next version, I opted to remove the onboard key and added a power jack to the left side... this version will now serve as my template for an acrylic case... I've selected a sheet of dark blue tinted transparent acrylic sheet to colour coordinate with the nice blue display... depending on *how* transparent will determine whether I make a cut-out for the display or let it shine through.
Superb kit though, and I had great fun building it... very much looking forward to building a couple more and watching with great interest developments on the QSX!"

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QCX-40 by Mike DL3ECN

"Added a sensor touch key and plexiglas lid on the Hammond case. Tks for lots of fun."

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QCX-40 by Ken GM4JMU

"The kit is mounted in Hammond case with the controls mounted directly on the front panel. The board stands off below the front panel on threaded brass hex-pillars. I am delighted with the performance of the rig and absolutely no problems were encountered in the build. The inbuilt test gear is an inspiration- brilliant design"


QCX-40 and QCX-20 by Zoli YO6PO

"I am yo6po from Sf.Gheorghe/Romania.My friend Zsolt, yo6zs, bought four QCX kits and asked me to build them for him. With some delays I succeeded to finish the task. Well assembling the board was the easy part. Well written building instructions made possible that first two rigs worked from first power on. The tricky part was to build or find a matching enclosure.I didn't like from the start the plastic enclosures. I found a local company who builds some different enclosures. Among them was one that seemed to fit according to the PCB dimensions . Zsolt ordered the enclosures. When I received them, big surprise, the PCB is almost not fits in the box.. . I am building radios since I was a kid, now I'm 56, a lot of experience . Finally succeeded to put all in the enclosure, allign the radios and make the first contacts.The first rig was tested by Zsolt on 20 meters. Outputs 5W after some tweaking with L1-L4. In the meantime I started the 40 meters one , also 5 W, first contact was SM7FBJ who answered at first call. Overall it's a modern innovative design and works great. Few bugs still exist in software and some hidden features in hardware but now I don't bother you with them."

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QCX-20 by Ilsur RA4PPI

Beautiful work, Ilsur! Wishing you fine DX DR OM

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QCX-40 by Jan AA4SN

"It was an easy build and the radio has great performance with good reports. I sure appreciate it."

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QCX-40 by James K5BWW

"I finally completed the install in the enclosure. I found an enclosure, die cast, that was just barely large enough for the CB. this is the site I used:
I have placed a few orders and shipping was in a few days.

The display opening was made with a coping saw and files. The box comes in many colors and is powder coated. Dry transfer lettering was used for labeling.

I had to remote the power connector, which I used a 2.1mm jack and the BNC jack was remoted. The controls were completed using 1/4" PVC supply hose. The inserts in the knobs were drilled out and removed to fit the larger shaft. I used a frill press as a lathe to file off just a little of the PVC shafts to fit the knobs.

Back together and managed to work some DX on 40m last night. Enclosed are some pictures of the progress on the rig.

Thanks for a kit that was a lot of fun to build."

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Compact 3D printed QCX cabinet with integrated paddles, by Torbjorn LA4ZCA

"Frustrated by the volume and number of different items I needed to pack for portable operation, I decided to try to build my 20m QCX as compact and self contained as possible. The result is the 3D printed cabinet shown in the pictures here. It adds a speaker with amplifier, GPS for WSPR, 4-cell LiPo battery and an integrated paddle. This now needs only 2x5m antenna wire to get on the air. It is a tight squeeze, the main cabinet is 13.5x10.5x3.5 cm. The paddle flips into a parked position to make this easy to pack. Hopefully this will help me brush up my CW and get on the air more often. Thanks to Hans' nice firmware, with decoder and all, it may also be useful for demonstrating ham radio to other people."

Files and instructions are available on Thingiverse at: and GitHub 

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Phil Harris (91), VA3MTE, with his completed QCX S#3767

"I wanted to show you a very happy Phil Harris (91), VA3MTE, with his completed QCX S#3767. He was very slow and careful, and has produced a masterpiece. Phil is a member of the London Amateur Radio Club and has received encouragement from our Kit Building group, but he did every step himself! He has been licensed only two years!"


Daimon G4USI QCX-40 in old instrument case

"The box is an old instrument case I was given free. I really like seeing the board and didn’t want to ‘hide’ it behind a front panel, so I mounted the board directly to the base of the case and then 3d printed a case label, some hemi-spherical feet to clear the nuts from the surface the rig is resting on, and a battery tray which is foam lined for my 4 LiPo cells.
I continue to love operating it and look forward to having a go at the next QCX party."

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Ted 2E0THH QCX40 and matching AMU and PSU

"I went through the same deliberations and settled on metal for all the obvious reasons.
Note I always intended this to be a static shack rig, however it is still eminently portable.
Here is the finished QCX40 in one of the cheap Chinese boxes and the full rig including antenna matching unit and PSU, also built in the same boxes."

Search ebay for:
Black Aluminum Box Circuit Board Enclosure Case Project Electronic 150*105*55MM.
[the box used in all three units]

"Most of it should be self explanatory. I sourced (China again) a 5k pot with switch as alternative to the one supplied in the kit. I needed a smaller footprint too.
On the back, the 2 banana sockets at the bottom are for my old Czech morse key which has a 2 pronged plug. The paddle socket is situated just above in the middle. There is also a power connector on the bottom right. I think I bought the feet from Metacase but there must be a US supplier I would hope.
I've no special skills or tools, just a drill, a file and a little bit of patience.

[For preparing the front panel holes:]

Using a graphic package, I first of all created the oblong for the front panel and then with other oblongs and circles I laid out how I wanted the front panel to look, making sure I had allowed for the internal screw housing corners and internal dimensions of the case. It was a very tight fit and these nearly caught me out.

I actually used MS Word but any graphic package that allows accurate measurement will work, just make sure when printed the measurements are true. Then I carefully cut out the finished printed panel template and glued it to the actual metal box panel. The oblong was rough cut in the tradition method of micro drilling around the inside of the LCD aperture.

The real trick then is to use a vice to act as a stop to filing disasters, Once you have the panel in the vice, align the aperture lines of the glued template with the jaws of the vice. This means the jaws prevent you from filing too far and allow for a really straight and accurate line. just rotate for the other 3 sides being especially careful in the corners, you have no horizontal stop.

Just keep testing with the LCD, but mine was a push fit first time. I did glue nuts on the inside of the panel to secure the LCD as I did not want screw heads spoiling the lines of the front panel, although the LCD was a tight fit and hardly needed them.

I am sure that most will think this is all overkill, but I just felt the transceiver deserved a decent housing. I would never have rediscovered Amateur Radio without it and my sincere thanks to Hans for this ingenious marvel."

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Don KD2RCF builds his QCX-40 in QRP Labs enclosure

A beautifully executed example of fitting the QCX kit into a QRP Labs enclosure; these enclosures were originally for the Ultimate3S, VFO and Clock kits but Don has done a great job of adapting the "blank" front panel enclosure to the QCX.

Don says: "This is an amazing little radio. I'm ready to add the 50 watt PA. "

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QCX-30 by Jan AA4SN

Don says: "Here is a photo of my QCX-30. It went together very well and it has great performance."


Low-current QCX SOTA station by Helmut DK2ZA

Helmut writes:"I am still trying to reduce battery current. So I built an external switching DC-DC converter in a metal enclosure with thoroughly filtered input and output lines. See the schematic.
The QCX got a 3.5mm phone jack on its left side for the 5V supply.
The 7805 was left out and R48 (270Ohm) was replaced by 560Ohm connecting LCD pin 15 to 5.0V.
Diode D3 was replaced by a piece of wire.
C38 was replaced by an electrolytic capacitor for higher voltage.
IC6, IC7, IC8, IC9 and IC10 were replaced by five TL072 which need less current. This was possible because I used sockets for all DIP ICs.
Current consumption is now 45.0mA at 14.4V and 47.8mA at 12V.
There are no traces of the switching frequency or its harmonics.
The next photo shows my SOTA station on a 60cm x 40cm plywood board. At the lower left two sixpacks of 1.2V accumulators in series. Above that the DC-DC converter, then the QCX with my homebuilt keyer electronics alongside it. The keyer is connected to a single lever paddle from palm radio which has magnets that hold it to a sheet of iron that is glued to the plywood. A short piece of coax connects the grey antenna tuner to the transceiver. Yellow is antenna, blue are three counterweights."

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QCX-40 with 50W Amp in one enclosure by Del KD4B

Link to 50W PA: 

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QCX-40 with 50W Amp in one enclosure by Hans G0UPL

Link to 50W PA: 

Note that this is a pre-production prototype of the 50W PA, therefore many of the components are not the final ones used in the kit! There is a front panel switch to choose between QRP and QRO operation and in the photos below, a table showing power measurements vs supply voltage, for QRP and QRO settings. 

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QCX-40 in smart case by Dean G7EOB


QCX in cardboard box by Jens DG2FDD!

"after having started the new-case-with-space-for-the-optical-encoder project some months ago (and leaving the half-finished aluminum case in the shelf for several weeks), I decided to use a simple 3€ cardbord box. It's much easier to cut out the openings. Yet I assume longevity will not be the best. Well, for now, it works and I will hopefully be on air for the AGCW QRP contest next week."

"An observation: I had not been using my QCX during these weeks. Instead, I was operating my Icom IC-735 and my mcHF. Hearing the great audio of the QCX this evening reminded me how good this jewel is! The IC-735 has good audio and great QSK, but the QCX still performs better. Maybe I'll present myself with a 20m version later this year."


QCX-30 and QLG1 GPS by Oleg R2ASQ

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QCX-40 by Mark N8IAJ

"Collected various parts from either Amazon or E bay. Cabinet was from Amazon, worked out perfect for the board placement. I've also installed a Auto-sensing Thermo Fan cooling when I plan on trying WSPR. I know it is overkill, however, ever the experimental maven, the fan was begging me to be part of the build."

"5 Watts output using 13.7 Volts, 4 Watts using 8 AA batteries in a case."

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Steampunk QCX-40 by Dan W2DLC

"I have finally finished the Steampunk QCX 40. The hardest part was to judge exactly how much space was needed for the LCD and controls. Everything was much fatter than I expected. I can really appreciate the work that goes into planning the space needed to house electronic equipment. This was more of an artistic endeavor than a technical one, so I did a lot of eyeballing and post construction refitting. I also want to thank Hans for sending me one of the last old model QCX kits. "

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Attractive QCX by Juan, LU9CYV

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Multi-band 10W QCX by Ron, WA7GIL

Ron writes:

"I removed the BPF section of T1 and have not yet added switchable bandpass filters as they have not been needed so far. Will keep an ear on that. I made the QCX operate Class C on the output with no LPFs between it and the amplifier. I added a 1 watt 15 dB attenuator and reduced the QCX input voltage to the neighborhood of 9 volts. This gave me approximately the 25 mW drive required by the 10 watt linear amp which I used to replace the 50 watt amp. I changed the bias on the amp to Class C too, keyed it from the QCX Key out line, and fitted it into the QCX circuit such that it still allows the outboard LPF (a 5 band switched LPF kit from QRP Labs) to be between the antenna and the point where the 10 watt amp and Q5 come together. I upgraded Q5 to a higher voltage FET as well. A single added band switch selects the proper LPF as well as a preset DC voltage in the neighborhood of 9 volts to go to the QCX board from a selectable adjustable voltage regulator board I built. So I can set the QCX voltage on each band to get the proper drive to get 10 watts out of the amplifier. Because I'm still using the onboard key shaping to the BS-170s and apparently keying the 10 watt amp on slightly ahead of that, the keying waveform still looks good and I still have full QSK with no relay or diode-switched changeover. In thinking further I guess I could leave the 10 watt amp bias on all the time since it is adjusted to be just at the threshold anyway.

"I'm currently using it on 80,40,30 and 20 meters with 10 watts on each band. I added a LM380 amplifier and speaker that are switched via the front panel headphone jack. I have presets for each band, so I just select the band and switch in the proper filter.

"Thinking it might mostly all fit inside the "room to walk around in" space you provided in a QCX+ ...."

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Rotary encoder dimensions

Someone was asking about rotary encoder dimensions, to help with designing an enclosure for their QCX. The image below is a dimensional drawing of the rotary encoder supplied in the QRP Labs kit. CLICK for larger version. 
