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This is the 21'st test flight of the new U4B tracker. For details see below.

Callsign is VE3KCL, WSPR transmission on 20m, is minute :02 and telemetry in minute :04 and telemetry call 0x4xxx

Live tracking

Launch photos


This is the 21'st test flight of the new U4B tracker. U4B-21 was assembled by Dave VE3KCL. This YouTube video explains the features of the U4B tracker. 


This is the BASIC listing of U4B-21:

 5 LET C = 43
 6 LET R = 0
 7 LET I = 0
12 LET FR = 26999800
21 LET R = R + 1
 IF R > 5
 LET I = 1
22 GOTO 25
24 LET I = 0
25 CW 0 14096890 1 0 "T"
26 GPS 304 "$PSIMNAV,W,3*3A"
CW 0 14096895 1 0 "T"
29 OUT 9 CL
30 SLEEP 10 0
31 OUT 9 0
33 CW 0 14096900 5 0 "*0196310000962    36396303  *"
34 CW 0 14096900 5 0 "*01963095058402 555 902906800  9630 *"
35 CW 0 14096900 5 0 "*01IFLCNAP8Q7R6R5S0S0S5R6R7Q8PANCLFI*"
 IF I = 1
 CW 0 14096920 1 0 "T"
 GOTO 44
 CW 0 14096890 1 0 "T"
46 CW 0 14096900 10 0 " VE3KCL"
47 CW 0 14096900 12 0 " #LT #LN"
50 GOTO 12

VER.33   413 bytes
VE3KCL  14097015 -20
idea is that it will try 5 at low power cycles then go to high power if it crashes the the tx counter RT is zeroed and it starts again 
FR came in at 792 and 799 so left at 26999800
 New board from pcbway with 30uf runs for 9 seconds without losing ephemeris 
did have a problem with gps found some solder ball on the stm32 so factory reset and it seemed to work better  
MAY 9 2021


The same U4B board is used as in previous flights. Different solar panel arrangement with triangular shape and three faces to try to increase the operating hours by catching more sunlight near sunrise and sunset.